updated 11/22/2022 Be sure to scroll down for recent updates in planetary changes and hints on how to use those changes to make your life better.
Sagittarius is a mutable/transitional sign in the element of fire. Ruled by Jupiter, Sagittarius is the sign of the seeker, the explorer of outer and inner frontiers. It is the sign of the philosopher, teacher, and truth seeker. Sagittarius is optimistic, enthusiastic, open minded and fair at its best. The negative side of Sagittarius can be excess, exaggeration, self-indulgence, and risk taking. Sagittarius reminds us as the days become shorter to kindle the light within and remain hopeful. Sagittarius rules the law, higher education, travels of great distance, teaching, risk taking, writing of books. In Sagittarius we examine our beliefs and systems of belief. It is the sign of the seeker. Because of the connection to the planet Jupiter, Sagittarius is big and broad and rarely troubled by details. This is the sign that loves a good time, is happy to spread good cheer, and can always be the life of the party.
NOV 17 - DEC 6
d Enters Sagittarius November 17, 12:42 AM PST
Mercury in Sagittarius is full of grand ideas, optimism, and generosity. It can support grandiosity so be alert to keeping ego right sized. That said, this is a terrific state of mind for the holliday of Thanksgiving with gratitude.
Mars in Gemini
August 20 - March 25
Mars, the planet of action and passion as well as war will be in Gemini into March of 2023. This includes a lengthly retrograde that will have us all on a personal level reviewing what puts us in motion, what is worth fighting for, and what drives our passion.
The extreme energy of Mars is in the mental enviornment of Gemini. This could definitely increase the need to wiggle and fidget, but could also drive passionate oratory.
Jupiter in Pisces
December 27,2021
Jupiter changes signs every year. We are finishing up Jupiter's time in Aquarius and now the Big Planet of expansion is moving into watery and sensitive Pisces. There will be opportunities for either escapism and denial and its consequences or elevating our consciousness and choosing the way of the mystic and peacemaker and facing reality and Reality. There are consequences either way.
Jupiter's challenge is an ego that stays right sized. When this is so, justice and fairness are the rule. Beware of excess and grandiosity. This transit has promise of great breakthroughs and sudden insights-- and hope.
Uranus and Jupiter just might make beautiful music together and all will benefit.
Saturn in Aquarius
December 17, 2020 - March 7, 2023
We are already feeling some of what this will mean as groups (Aquarius) are restricted (Saturn) and the future (Aquarius) seems serious and dire (Saturn). We always get a hint of what is to come at the ingress. We can use the lessons of Saturn of to move forward.
Saturn in Aquarius
December 17, 2020 - March 7, 2023
It takes Saturn about 30 years to travel through all the signs and it will be in Aquarius til early 2023 with a bit of back and forth that year, finally landing in Pisces. Saturn is the teacher and the disciplinarian. It is under the influence of Saturn that bills come due and karma exacts its price. In Aquarius issues of the future, innovation, brotherhoods and activity of like-minded groups get the careful scrutiny of Saturn.
Stay tuned.
"No matter how unpleasant a Saturn transit seems at the time, it represents what you really want in life and is helping you get it. Most people are out of touch with what they truly want. If you thoroughly understand your needs and wants, you will find that Saturn simply brings about their manifestation".
from Planets in Transit by Robert Hand
MARCH 6, 2019-JULY 7, 2025
NOVEMBER 8, 2025-APRIL 26, 2026
Uranus in Taurus is a very mixed bag. Uranus by nature is chaotic, forward thinking, revolutionary, and explosive. Taurus nature is conservative, fixed, fond of the past and seeks wealth and stability. I am going to spend the next few weeks looking at the news to get an idea of how this strange configuration is going to manifest.
The last time Uranus was in Taurus began in 1935. This was a time of war, a rise in dictators, extreme changes in fortune for many. We will surely see changes in our monetary system, the markets, real estate, and likely food production. This is an excellent time to modernize infrastructure and use innovation to do so. But we are dealing with Uranus here. Uranus is the planet of the unexpected and the unplanned.
On the day Uranus entered Taurus, this picture was taken. It says it all about the energy of Uranus in Taurus - electricity and earth meeting. Stay tuned for more on this big change.
PS Uranus will take up residence in Taurus until 2025.
2012- 2025
Neptune in Pisces
The Master of the Mystical begins forward motion in Pisces. This trip through Pisces will continue through 2025. We may as well get comfortable with examining spirituality, illusion, addiction, and mystery. Neptune will be working with Saturn this year to assist in bringing true spiritual values into form and structure. Look forward to cultural embrace of magic and the enduring value of love and compassion.
Neptune retrograde in Pisces
June 21-November 27
18º Pisces - 15º
The slow moving planets impact the world in a general way, but form aspects to the individual chart as well. Because they move slowly, the impact can be cumulative. Look forward to more on this topic.
Pluto is the planet of transformation and as one of the outer planets, its effects are wide spread. When Pluto travels through a sign the particular area of life that sign rules is transformed on a fundamental level. Its message can be "change or die". Since Capricorn rules structure, all structures are likely to be overhauled. Since Capricorn rules government, governments are likely to be transformed.
On a personal level, look at your natal chart to get a good idea of the areas of your life that are likely to be shaken to their foundation.
Chiron in Aries
April 17, 2018 - April 2027
Chiron is a slow mover and we are just learning about this newer member of the heavenly bodies we track here on earth in astrology. In the myth, Chiron is a divided being- half human and half horse, half god and half man. In our natal charts, Chiron represents those areas in which our wounding can lead to our healing and the healing of others.
Chiron has been in Pisces steadily since 2011 and is now moving into Aries. This will likely bring about more consciousness around issues of healing and sacrifice. This could well mark a time when we may become aware of cultural wounding and begin to seek remedies rather than supressing awareness of pain. We may become more accutely aware of suffering and seek an active rather than a passive response to injury, illness, or disorder.
The myth of Chiron is one definitely worth reading and exploring as he trained warriors and healers, used his affliction for the benefit of humanity, and sacrificed himself in the service of justice and bringing light to human beings.
SUN a8
Enters Scorpio October 23, 3:36 AM PDT
SUN a9
Enters Sagittarius November 22, 12:20 AM PST
d8 Enters Scorpio October 29, 12:22 PM PDT
d9 Enters Sagittarius November 17, 12:42 AM PST
f8 Enters Scorpio October 23, 12:52 AM PDT
f9Enters Sagittarius November 15, 10:09 PM PST
g3 Enters Gemini August 20, 12:56 AM PDT
g25º 3n Retrograde at 25º Gemini October 30, 8:26 AM PDT
g8º 3 Direct at 8º Gemini January 12, 12:56 PM PST
h1n Retrograde at 8º Aries July 28, 10:55 AM PDT
h n = Retrograde enters Pisces October 27, 10:10 PM PDT
h Direct at 28º Pisces November 23, 3:02 PM PST
j0 Saturn in Capricorn
kn2 Retrograde in Capricorn
k D 142 Direct @ 14º Taurus January 22, 2:59 PM PST
;0 Direct at 26º Capricorn October 8, 2:56 PM PDT
Enters Aquarius March 23, 5:13 AM PST